Music Technology News 2005

September 2005

New graduate and undergraduate students in Music Technology!

The Music Technology Group at McGill is happy to welcome new students in the 2005-2006 academic year.

Four undergraduate, ten graduate (7 M.A. and 3 Ph.D.), and one special student will start their studies in the area in this session:

B. Mus. Honours in Music Technology:

  • James Clemens-Seely
  • Alexis Malozemoff
  • Jonathan Parsons
  • Melina Soochan


  • David Birnbaum
  • Gregory Eustace
  • Denis Lebel
  • Simon de Leon
  • Joseph Malloch
  • Alexandre Savard
  • Stephen Sinclair


  • John Ashley Burgoyne
  • Stella Pashalidou (January 2006)
  • Bertrand Scherrer

Special Student:

  • Jose I. Huerta

Welcome to Music Technology at McGill!

Spring 2005

Music Technology Moves to 550 Sherbrooke Street West!

In April 2005, the Music Technology Area moved into its new spaces at 550 Sherbrooke Street West, 5th floor (East Tower), suite 500.

Consisting of roughtly 700 square meters, the new spaces now host all staff offices and 6 full-fledged research laboratories (check the Resources link for more information).

The Area's new address is:

Music Technology - McGill University
550, Sherbrooke Street West
East Tower 5th Floor, Suite 500
H3A 1E3 Montreal, Qc

February 2005

(Other more) Recent Music Technology Grants!

Three brand new grants that will fund equipment and research on music perception and cognition, computational acoustic modelling, and enactive interfaces:

Prof. Stephen McAdams was awarded the Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Music Perception and Cognition, valued at $200,000/yr (2004-2011), the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) New Opportunities Fund, valued at $309,678 (2004-2005) and the McGill VP (Academic) start-up valued at $90,000. The title of the project is: Music Perception and Cognition. This research will involve the processing of complex acoustic information by human listeners in naturalistic settings with a particular focus on music: multisensory perception of dynamically behaving sound sources and listeners' inference of their causal origins, the cognitive dynamics of listening and implicit learning in real and virtual scenes.

Prof. Gary Scavone was awarded the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) New Opportunities Fund (2005-2009), valued at $438,508. The title of the 5-year project is: Measurement and Development Tools for Computational Acoustic Modeling of Music Instruments and Sounding Objects and will be held in the new Computational Acoustic Modelling Laboratory (CAML).

Profs. Marcelo M. Wanderley and Philippe Depalle were awarded an MDERR (Ministere du Developpement Economique et Regional et de la Recherche - Province of Quebec) 3-year grant valued at $100,000 to support the participation of the Sound Processing and Control Laboratory in the European Research Project ENACTIVE Interfaces.

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