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Music Technology News 2004
October 2004
Music Technology welcomes a new faculty member!
The Music Technology area is happy to welcome a new full-time faculty member in 2004.
Professor Dr. Stephen McAdams, has joined the Music Technology Group at McGill in October 2004. He received a Canada Research Chair in Music Perception and Cognition Director, and is the new director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music, Media & Technology (CIRMMT) He also is Associate Member of the Psychology Dept. (Faculty of Science).
Dr. McAdams holds a H.D.R. (D.Sc.) in Cognitive Psychology from Universite Rene Descartes/Paris 5, a PhD in Hearing and Speech Sciences from Stanford University, as well as a B.S. in Psychology from McGill University.
Dr. McAdams's main research interests concern multimodal scene analysis, musical timbre perception, psychomechanics and sound source perception, and cognitive dynamics of musical listening.
September 2004
New graduate and undergraduate students in Music Technology!
The Music Technology Group at McGill is happy to welcome eleven new graduate students in the 2004-2005 academic year. Five Ph.D. students (Andrey da Silva, Paul Kolesnik, Beinan Li, Cory McKay, and Francois Thibault) and eight Master's students (David Benson, Alexander Buckiewicz-Smith, Carmine Casciato, Rebecca Fiebrink, Daniel McEnnis, Vamshi Raghu, Nicholas Shortway, and Elliot Synior) will start their music tech studies within the Group.
The total number of graduate students in Music Technology (all in research-based degrees) is now nineteen (7 Ph.D. and 12 M.A.).
We are also very happy to welcome four new undergradaute students this year in our highly competitive Honours programme: Peter Hurst, Derek Koziol, Richard Meyler, and Antoine Rotondo.
Welcome to Music Technology at McGill!
July 2004
Dr. Verfaille is one of the 15 winners of the ``Prix de la Thesee - Le Monde'' for his PhD research
The competition ``Prix de la These - Le Monde is is organized by the famous French newspaper ``Le Monde
in order to promote scientific research to a non scientific public, by presenting new research directions and the young researchers that acheived it.
Dr. Verfaille participated to this competition in December, 2003. The price was given to him with 14 other doctors that finished their PhD in 2003. They will have a 20 pages publication in a book co-edited by ``Le Monde de l'ƒducation'' and the P.U.F. (Presses Universitaires de France), to be published in November 2005.
April-May 2004
Prof. Fujinaga at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America and at the Workshop for the Online Chopin Variorum Edition at University of Pennsylvania
At the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America in New York City (1-3 April 2004) Prof. Ichiro Fujinaga gave a paper with Prof. Susan Forscher Weiss (Johns Hopkins University) entitled: From manuscript to printing press to computer chip: Studying early music in digital format.
Prof. Ichiro Fujinaga is invited to attend the Workshop for the Online Chopin Variorum Edition at University of Pennsylvania on 26-27 May 2004 to act as a consultant.
March 2004
(Even more) Recent Music Technology Grants!
Two brand new grants that will fund equipment for a research laboratory and the development of research on input devices for musical expression:
- Prof. Ichiro Fujinaga was awarded the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) New Opportunities Fund, valued at $597,748. The title of the five-year project is: Distributed Digital Music Archives and Libraries.
- Prof. Wanderley was awarded the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant, valued at $74,100. The title of the 3-year research is: “Quantitative Evaluation of Input Devices for Musical Interaction and General Human-Computer Interaction.”
February 2004
New Music Technology Websites!
Sound Processing and Control Laboratory
The website of the Sound Processing and Control Laboratory (SPCL), designed by Wes Hatch, contains information on current research projects and students working on the SPCL, including links to the ENACTIVE Network European Project.
Clarinet Gestural Analysis Research
Clarinet Gestural Analysis website, also designed by Wes Hatch, describes the research carried on by Prof. Wanderley and colleagues on the expressive movements of clarinet performers and the application of this research to the control of sound synthesis using digital musical instruments. This research is funded by a Strategic Professor-Researcher Grant by the FQRNT, the “Fonds Québecois de Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies”
January 2004
Music Tech/SPCL - partners in two European Projects
Music Technology and the Sound Processing and Control Laboratory (SPCL) have recently become part of two important European Community Research projects related to gestural control, interfaces and interaction.
ENACTIVE Network of Excellence
The SPCL is one of the 24 partners of the European Community funded Project: ENACTIVE Interfaces (VIFramework Network of Excellence, a 7 million Euro total).
This project has been signed on December 19th, 2003 and started its activities on January 1st, 2004. The first network general aseembly meeting took place in Pisa, Italy, on January 15-16.
Gathering research partners from 11 countries (Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA) and coordinated by PERCRO (Pisa, Italy) and INPG (Grenoble, France), the ENACTIVE Network is a four-year research project on the development of advanced interfaces for human-computer interaction (HCI), including applications to creative arts and music.
For more information on the ENACTIVE Network of Excellence, please visit the ENACTIVE Network site.
ConGAS - Gesture Controlled Audio Systems
Music Technology (Profs. Wanderley and Depalle) is representing Canada in the COST-287 Action ConGAS.
The Cost287-ConGAS Action intends to contribute to the advancement and to the development of musical gesture data analysis and to capture aspects connected to the control of digital sound and music processing.
It gathers delegates from 13 countries (Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and Canada).
For more information on ConGAS, please check the ConGAS Project site