~~NOTOC~~ ====== MUMT 202 Fundamentals of New Media ====== This course provides a theoretical and practical introduction to selected areas of music technology. Topics include digital audio and sampling theory, MIDI and sequencing, audio editing and mixing, elementary sound recording, score editing software and current areas of research interest. [[http://www.music.mcgill.ca/mumt202//|Course Webpage]] ====== MUMT 203 Introduction to Digital Audio ====== **Marcelo Wanderley** [[http://www.mcgill.ca/minerva|Course Webpage (in Minerva)]] An introduction to the theory and practice of digital audio. Topics include: sampling theory; digital sound synthesis methods (additive, subtractive, summation series); sound processing (digital mixing, delay, filters, reverberation, sound localization); software-based samplers; real-time sound processing; interactive audio systems. Hands-on exercises are included. ====== MUMT 250 Music Perception and Cognition ====== **Stephen McAdams ** Basic processes by which the brain transforms sound waves into musical events, dimensions, systems and structures and the processes by which musicians imagine new musical sounds and structures and plan movements that produce music on instruments. ====== MUMT 301 Music and the Internet ====== Technologies and resources of the Internet (access tools, data formats and media) and Web authoring (HTML) for musicians; locating, retrieving and working with information; putting information online; tools for music research, music skills development, technology-enhanced learning, music productivity, and promotion of music and musicians. Evaluation of Internet music resources. Prerequisite: MUMT 201 or MUMT 202 ====== MUMT 302 New Media Production I ====== Project-based course introducing techniques for producing and manipulating music and sound for new media applications. Synthesis techniques including FM, granular, and physical modeling. Audio effects including delay, reverberation, dynamics processing, and filtering. Audio compression, HCI, and MIR concepts. Small projects using Max/MSP and a final project of greater scope. Prerequisite: MUMT 202 ====== MUMT 303 New Media Production II ====== [[http://www.music.mcgill.ca/mumt303/|Course Webpage]] Project-based course building on material of MUMT 302. Advanced audio processing with general considerations of aesthetics in sonic art. Introduction to theory and practice of digital video processing using Jitter. Projects on aesthetic and conceptual aspects of sound and video art practice, multimedia projects combining audio and video processing. Prerequisite: MUMT 302 ====== MUMT 306 Music and Audio Computing I ====== **Gary Scavone** [[http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~gary/306/|Course Webpage]] Concepts, algorithms, data structures, and programming techniques for the development of music and audio software, ranging from musical instrument design to interactive music performance systems. Student projects will involve the development of various music and audio software applications in Max/MSP and C++. Prerequisites: Previous digital audio and object-oriented programming experience. ====== MUMT 307 Music and Audio Computing II ====== **Gary Scavone** [[http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~dasilva/mumt307/|Course Webpage]] Theory and implementation of signal processing techniques for sound synthesis and audio effects processing using Matlab, C++, and Max/MSP. Exercises will focus on the development of programming skills for the implementation of real-time audio applications. Prerequisite: MUMT 306 ====== MUMT 501 Digital Audio Signal Processing ====== **Philippe Depalle** Discrete-time signal processing concepts and techniques. Discrete-time fourier transform and series, linear time-invariant systems, digital filtering, spectral analysis of discrete-time signals, and the z-transform. Prerequisite: MUMT 307 ====== MUMT 502 Senior Project in Music Technology ====== **All Music Technology Professors** Independent senior project in Music Technology. Students will design and implement a medium-scale project in consultation with their advisor. Evaluation will be based on concept, background research, implementation, reliability, and documentation. Prerequisite: MUMT 307